Hecla Flies Again
A note on the Icelandair website announces, a little smugly:
Volcanoes help define Iceland and hold a special place in the heart of Icelandair since our aircraft are named after famous Iceland volcanoes like Hekla and Katla.
Everyone’s so full of Eyjafjallajokul nowadays that poor old Hecla (as we Brits spell it) is all but forgotten, except in my recent post here. It used to be up there in the Volcano Hall of Fame with Etna and Vesuvius, and the Royal Navy has even named seven warships after it, but in recent weeks it has been overshadowed by the overlong (to English tongues) Eyjafjallajokul.
If they’d told us it was Hecla, we’d have believed them, wouldn’t we? And we can pronounce that one.
But given that their damn volcano threw European travel into chaos for a month and wrecked the London Book Fair, among other sacred events, it’s a bit steep of the Icelanders to name their aeroplanes after volcanoes, nej?