The charity of banks
I received an impressive appeal from the daughter of friends of ours in Switzerland. She is working for the reconstruction and restoration of a school in Pacomit, southern Albania, and she was soliciting donations on behalf of International Project Aid.
I’m not a great fan of Albanians as they appear to be behind a lot of the crime in North London, but obviously this means they need more educating. I thought I’d send her £20, so I tried to arrange this with my English bank.
They were happy to help, and also to charge me £20 for the service.
So I thought: the charity gets £20, and the bank gets £20 for sending my £20 to Switzerland. Not very equitable.
Instead I’m sending cash in the post. The banks really ought to get their act together and realise that we humans live in a small, poor world and not all of us expect a seven figure bonus on top of our salaries every year.
A bonus would be nice, but it’s more than I can dream of.
Come to think of it, a salary would be good as well.
February 18th, 2010 at 15:44
Could you not somehow send it via PayPal?