fotoLibra’s Top Selling Categories
Nick Jenkins, fotoLibra’s most prolific individual photographer, commented that he’d like to see the top selling categories on fotoLibra.
It’s a good idea, but I thought I’d have to gather the info manually and it would take me months.
Not a bit of it. Damien, our Technical Development Manager, dashed off an SQL script that delivered the data in 0.0091 seconds. Then of course I had to spend 24 hours printing out each word in different colours and sizes and carefully glueing them into place.
Here’s the result. Of course I know this means everyone is immediately going to go on holiday and photograph historic churches in the landscape, but that just shows that this is done for fun and there’s no real significance to it.
The reason PEOPLE don’t loom much larger is that we are constantly asked for photographs of people, and we can’t provide them, as many fotoLibra members show a marked reluctance to photograph other humans. As a result we don’t sell them. And we could.
So please try and overcome your understandable inhibitions and let’s see photographs of people chatting, eating, drinking, talking, laughing — doing people things. All ages, all races.
July 16th, 2012 at 16:09
Well, what a quick turnaround! Thanks Gwyn, the more info we can glean the more we can try and cater for the demand – off to check this lot and, if it EVER bloody stops raining, to shoot some market requires photos.